TF-M application root of trust partition example for the unprivileged DMA-350 library. It is expected to be used in Isolation Level 2, as the unprivileged API checks the access rights based on the MPU configuration. The example demonstrates the proper, non-blocking usage of the library, as well as some negative tests for invalid channel access, not allocated channel access, and accesses for privileged memory. For detailed description of how privilege separation can be achieved with DMA-350, checkout DMA-350 privilege separation The partition requires a DMA350 peripheral in the platform with Channel 0 configured as secure, like for example mps3/corstone310/fvp.
Build steps for mps3/corstone310/fvp platform
Run the following command in the tf-m directory:
$ cmake -S . -B cmake_build -DTFM_PLATFORM=arm/mps3/corstone310/fvp -DTFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain_ARMCLANG.cmake -DTFM_ISOLATION_LEVEL=2 -DPLATFORM_SVC_HANDLERS=ON -DTFM_EXTRA_PARTITION_PATHS=<tf-m-extras root>/partitions/dma350_unpriv_partition -DTFM_PARTITION_LOG_LEVEL=TFM_PARTITION_LOG_LEVEL_INFO -DTFM_EXTRA_MANIFEST_LIST_FILES=<tf-m-extras root>/partitions/dma350_unpriv_partition/extra_manifest_list.yaml
$ cmake --build cmake_build -- install
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