ADAC implementation for RSE platform
ADAC Requirements for RSE
For RSE, ADAC design and implementation must meet below requirements.
Since RSE is HES (Hardware Enforced Security) host for CCA (Confidential Compute Architecture) system, ADAC functionality must be implemented by RSE.
By default, CCA HES and other trusted subsystems debug should be disabled all the time.
When in a secured (trustworthy) state, no debug should be allowed to RSE, and other components of CCA System security Domain.
If life cycle is not in a secured state and if a CCA component debug is requested, a new debug session should be initiated.
Likewise at the end of debug session, all debug interfaces should be closed and a system reset is required to return to the previous state.
Depending on current policy, the debug start and stop request may require a system reset for the request to be processed in a distinct debug session. For RSE, a system reset is required for handling debug requests for any components of CCA security domain.
Finally, CCA Platform Attestation token should be different if any CCA debug is enabled.
Implementation Constraints
PSA ADAC protocol specifies use of asymmetric key cryptography for certificate parsing and authentication. Ideally, authentication and application of permissions should be done at the same time in boot so that they cannot be tampered later on, but
BL1 is constrained on memory resources and
BL1 is immutable, so any flaw in the authentication scheme would result in a permanent security vulnerability.
Hence, authentication has to handled as runtime service while appropriate permissions can be applied in the bootloader.
Design description
As per the ADAC architecture, debug host must implement Secure Debug Manager (SDM) component while debug target requires Secure Debug Authenticator (SDA) as mentioned in architecture specification. Logical link is established among the above two components to establish secure debug connection.
To meet the above requirements, ADAC protocol is integrated in TF-M as follows:
A new ADAC runtime service which calls SDA to authenticate any incoming debug request from other components.
Above service only acknowledges any incoming debug request if the device is in appropriate life cycle state. Else, it rejects any incoming debug request. Here the appropriate life cycle state is defined by the platform specific policy.
Once the service acknowledges the request, it sends the request to the core protocol API for authentication. It also checks if the host has appropriate access rights permissions. If it authenticates the host successfully, it stores the debug state and may initiate the reset (depending on platform policy).
On immediate reset, the bootloader (BL1_2) retrieves the stored debug state and applies corresponding debug permissions.
It also locks the related DCU bits so that the applied permissions stays the same throughout the debug session.
Runtime service now waits for debug end signal to end debug session. To end current debug session, it stores the state again and initiates the reset (depending on platform policy).
On reset, BL1_2 resets the permission and locks the DCU to continue normal execution.
For debug request of any components where platform policy does not require a reset, ADAC service does not initiate any reset and enables the debug immediately.
Code structure & Service Integration
The ADAC Service source and header files are located in the current directory.
The interface for the ADAC runtime Service is located in interface/include
The only header to be included by applications that want to use functions from
the PSA API is tfm_adac_api.h
Service interface
The ADAC Service exposes the following interface:
* \brief Authenticates the requested debug service.
* \param[in] debug_request Request identifier for the debug zone
* (valid values vary based on the platform
* Each bit of the \p debug_request represents
* debug request for corresponding zone.
* e.g.
* If no bits are set => no debug request
* If bit0 is set => start debug for zone1
* If bit0 is cleared => end debug for zone1
* If bit1 is set => start debug for zone2
* If bit1 is cleared => end debug for zone2
* ...
* Enumeration of zones (zone1, zone2, etc.) is
* done by ``tfm_debug_zones`` (platform specific)
* \return Returns PSA_SUCCESS on success,
* otherwise error as specified in \ref psa_status_t
psa_status_t tfm_adac_service(uint32_t debug_request)
Service source files
: Implements the secure API layer to allow other services in the secure domain to request functionalities from the adac service using the PSA API interface.adac_req_mngr.c
: Includes the initialization entry of adac service and handles adac service requests in IPC
: Implements core functionalities such as implementation of APIs, handling and processing of debug request.
Hardware abstraction layer Interface
Classification of various debug zones is platform/system specific. For system with RSE subsystem, these are mainly classified into CCA security domain debug and Non-CCA debug zones.
: enumerates 2 CCA and 4 Non-CCA debug zones.tfm_platform_system_reset()
: Request system reset to initiate or terminate a debug session.tfm_plat_otp_read()
: Reads the life cycle state as well as secure debug key required for authentication.
Bootloader Interface
The ADAC runtime service requires to convey debug state information between runtime service and bootloader. This needs be in platform specific predefined persistent area as this information needs to be retained after reset.
For RSE platform, this functionality is provided by RESET_SYNDROME register. 8 bits field, SWSYN, of above register is allocated to convey debug state information between bootloader and runtime service
: Apply appropriate debug zone permissions by settingthe DCU register values.
: Locks the DCU so permission cannot be modifiedduring that power cycle.
ADAC Protocol (SDA) integration
: Initiates the connection with the host debugger and performs secure debug authentication process.
Enable Secure Debug
To enable ADAC on RSE, below options must be configured:
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