Mailbox Design in TF-M on Dual-core System
- Author
David Hu
- Organization
Arm Limited
- Contact
This document proposes a generic design of the mailbox communication for Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) on a dual-core system. The mailbox functionalities transfer PSA Client requests and results between Non-secure Processing Environment (NSPE) and Secure Processing Environment (SPE).
The dual-core system should satisfy the following requirements
NSPE and SPE are properly isolated and protected following PSA specifications.
An Arm M-profile core locates in SPE and acts as the Secure core.
TF-M runs on the Secure core with platform specific drivers support.
Inter-Processor Communication hardware module in system for communication between Secure core and Non-secure core. Mailbox communication calls the Inter-Processor Communication to transfer notifications.
Non-secure memory shared by NSPE and SPE.
This design document focuses on the mailbox functionalities in NSPE and SPE on a dual-core system. The mailbox functionalities include the initialization of mailbox in NSPE and SPE, and the transfer of PSA Client requests and replies between NSPE and SPE.
Data types and mailbox APIs are defined in this document.
Some details of interactions between mailbox and other modules are specified in other documents. Communication prototype design 1 defines a general communication prototype between NSPE and SPE on a dual-core system. It describes how TF-M interacts with mailbox functionalities and the general requirements on mailbox. Dual-core booting sequence 2 describes a synchronization step of mailbox between NSPE and SPE during system booting.
Organization of the document
Mailbox architecture provides an overview on the mailbox architecture.
Mailbox communication for PSA Client calls discusses about the mailbox communication for PSA Client calls.
Mailbox initialization introduces the initialization of mailbox.
Mailbox APIs and data structures lists mailbox data types and APIs.
Mailbox architecture
The mailbox consists of two parts sitting in NSPE and SPE respectively. NSPE mailbox provides mailbox functionalities in NSPE and SPE mailbox provides mailbox functionalities in TF-M in SPE.
PSA Client APIs called in NSPE are implemented by NSPE mailbox functions on dual-core systems, to send PSA Client request and receive the result. The implementation can vary in diverse NSPE OSs or use cases.
TF-M provides a reference implementation of NSPE mailbox. The NSPE mailbox delivers the PSA Client requests to SPE mailbox. After the PSA Client result is replied from SPE, NSPE mailbox fetches the result and returns it to PSA Client APIs.
NSPE mailbox objects are managed by NSPE mailbox in non-secure memory to hold PSA Client call parameters, return result and other mailbox data. NSPE mailbox relies on platform specific Inter-Process Communication to process notifications between NSPE and SPE.
The SPE mailbox in TF-M receives PSA Client requests from NSPE mailbox. It parses the requests and invokes TF-M Remote Procedure Call (RPC) layer. RPC layer delivers the requests to TF-M core/Secure Partition Manager (SPM). After the PSA Client call is completed, TF-M core/SPM invokes RPC layer to return results to NSPE, via SPE mailbox. SPE mailbox objects are managed by SPE mailbox in secure memory. SPE mailbox relies on platform specific Inter-Process Communication to process notifications between SPE and NSPE.
The architecture is showed in following figure.

Mailbox communication for PSA Client calls
This section describes the transfer of PSA Client request and reply between NSPE and SPE via mailbox.
Mailbox objects
This section lists the mailbox objects required in NSPE and SPE.
NSPE mailbox objects are managed by NSPE mailbox in non-secure memory. But NSPE mailbox objects can be accessed by both NSPE mailbox and SPE mailbox.
SPE mailbox objects are managed by SPE mailbox in secure memory. SPE mailbox objects should be protected from NSPE accesses by system specific isolation.
NSPE Mailbox queue
NSPE mailbox maintains a mailbox queue in non-secure memory. Please refer to the structure definition in NSPE mailbox queue structure.
NSPE mailbox queue contains one or more slots. The number of slots should be aligned with that in SPE mailbox queue.
Each slot in NSPE mailbox queue consists of a pair of a mailbox message structure and a mailbox reply structure. Each slot might contain additional fields, such as identification of non-secure task which initiates the PSA Client request. Each slot serves a PSA Client call from non-secure task.
The parameters of PSA Client request are hosted in the mailbox message inside the slot. Mailbox messages describes the details of mailbox message.
The mailbox reply structure is used to receive the PSA Client result from SPE. Mailbox replies describes the details of mailbox reply.
Mailbox messages
A mailbox message contains the parameters of a PSA Client request from a non-secure task. Please refer to the structure definition in Mailbox message structure.
Inside PSA Client API implementation, NSPE mailbox selects an empty mailbox queue slot for the PSA Client request. The parameters of that PSA Client request are organized into the mailbox message belonging to the selected slot. SPE mailbox will parse those parameters from the mailbox message.
More fields can be defined in mailbox message to transfer additional information from NSPE to SPE for processing in TF-M.
Mailbox replies
A mailbox reply structure in non-secure memory receives the PSA Client result replied from SPE mailbox. Please refer to the structure definition in Mailbox reply structure.
SPE Mailbox queue
SPE mailbox maintains a mailbox queue to store SPE mailbox objects. Please refer to the structure definition in SPE mailbox queue structure.
SPE mailbox queue contains one or more slots. The number of slots should be aligned with that in NSPE mailbox queue. After SPE is notified that a PSA Client request is pending, SPE mailbox can assign an empty slot, copy the corresponding PSA Client call parameters from non-secure memory to that slot and parse the parameters.
Each slot in SPE mailbox queue can contain the following fields
An optional field to hold mailbox message content copied from non-secure memory.
Index of NSPE mailbox queue slot containing the mailbox message.
A handle to the mailbox message. Optional. Identify the owner slot of PSA Client result when multiple mailbox messages are under processing.
More fields can be defined in the slot structure to support mailbox processing in SPE.
Overall workflow
The overall workflow of transferring PSA Client requests and results between NSPE and SPE via mailbox is shown below.
Non-secure task initiates a service request by calling PSA Developer APIs, which eventually invoke PSA Client APIs. PSA Client APIs call NSPE mailbox functions to transmit PSA Client call to SPE.
NSPE mailbox assigns an empty slot from NSPE mailbox queue for that PSA client call.
NSPE mailbox prepares the parameters of PSA Client call in the dedicated mailbox message inside the assigned slot.
After the mailbox message is ready, NSPE mailbox invokes platform specific Inter-Processor Communication driver to notify SPE. The notification mechanism of Inter-Processor Communication is platform specific.
After the notification is completed, non-secure task waits for the reply from SPE.
Platform specific Inter-Processor Communication interrupt for mailbox is asserted in SPE. The interrupt handler activates SPE mailbox to process the request(s).
During mailbox processing in TF-M, the handling routine can include the following steps:
SPE mailbox checks and validates NSPE mailbox queue status.
SPE mailbox fetches PSA Client call parameters from NSPE mailbox queue.
SPE mailbox parses the parameters.
SPE mailbox invokes the TF-M RPC APIs to deliver the PSA Client request to TF-M SPM.
The PSA Client call is handled in TF-M SPM and target Secure Partition if necessary.
If multiple ongoing mailbox messages are pending in the SPE, SPE mailbox can process mailbox messages one by one.
After the PSA Client call is completed, TF-M RPC layer notifies SPE mailbox to reply PSA Client result to NSPE.
SPE mailbox writes the PSA Client result to the dedicated mailbox reply structure in non-secure memory. The related SPE mailbox objects should be invalidated or cleaned.
SPE mailbox notifies NSPE by invoking Inter-Processor Communication driver to send a notification to NSPE. The notification mechanism of Inter-Processor Communication is platform specific.
NSPE mailbox is activated to handle the PSA Client result in the mailbox reply structure. Related mailbox objects should be invalidated or cleaned by NSPE mailbox after the return results is extracted out.
NSPE mailbox returns the result to PSA Client API implementation. The result is eventually returned to the non-secure task.
The following sections discuss more details of key steps in above sequence.
Mailbox notifications between NSPE and SPE
As shown in Overall workflow, NSPE mailbox asserts mailbox notification to trigger SPE to handle PSA Client request. SPE mailbox asserts mailbox notification to notify NSPE that PSA Client result is written. The notification implementation is based on platform specific Inter-Processor Communication.
It is recommended to assign one independent set of Inter-Processor Communication channel to each notification routine respectively, to implement a full-duplex notification mechanism between NSPE and SPE. If both notification routines share the same Inter-Processor Communication channel, proper synchronization should be implemented to prevent conflicts between two notification routines.
In SPE, the Inter-Processor Communication interrupt handler should deal with the incoming notification from NSPE and activate the subsequent mailbox handling in SPE. Communication prototype design 1 defines the behavior of Inter-Processor Communication interrupt handler.
NSPE can implement an interrupt handler or a polling of notification status to handle Inter-Processor Communication notification from SPE.
Implement PSA Client API with NSPE Mailbox
PSA Client APIs are implemented with NSPE mailbox API
The pseudo code below shows a reference implementation of
uint32_t psa_framework_version(void)
int32_t ret;
ret = tfm_ns_mailbox_client_call(...);
if (ret != MAILBOX_SUCCESS) {
implementation can vary according to usage
scenario. TF-M reference implementation provides implementations for NS OS and
NS bare metal environment respectively. Refer to
TF-M reference implementation of NSPE mailbox for details.
As PSA Firmware Framework-M (FF-M) requests, a PSA Client API function should be blocked until the result is returned. To comply with FF-M, NSPE mailbox requires proper mechanism(s) to keep current caller waiting for PSA Client result or an empty mailbox queue slot.
may trap the current exception in sleep and
therefore it must not be called in interrupt service routine.
Refer to Mailbox APIs and data structures for details of
TF-M reference implementation of NSPE mailbox
TF-M NS interface provides a reference implementation of NS mailbox.
This reference implementation defines several NS mailbox HAL APIs. Please refer to NSPE mailbox HAL APIs for details.
Integration with NSPE
TF-M reference implementation provides several mailbox build flags to control the integration with NS software.
When integrating NS mailbox with NS OS, such as NS RTOS, that flag can be selected to enable NS OS support in NS mailbox, such as thread management to fulfill thread wait and wake-up. Please refer to NSPE mailbox RTOS abstraction APIs for NS OS support details.
With NS OS support, multiple outstanding PSA Client calls can be supported in NS mailbox when number of mailbox queue slots configured in
is greater than 1.If
is enabled, when a NS client starts a PSA Client call:
selects an empty NSPE mailbox queue slot to organize received PSA client call parameters into a mailbox message.Then it sends those parameters to SPE mailbox and waits for results from SPE. During waiting for the result, the NS client thread may be switched out by NS OS scheduler.
When the result arrives, the NS client thread will be woken up inside NS mailbox interrupt handler.
The result is then written back to NS client finally.
When that flag is disabled, NS mailbox runs as being integrated with NS bare metal environment. NS mailbox simply loops mailbox message status while waiting for results.
is enabled, this flag can be selected to enable another NS mailbox thread model which relies on a NS mailbox dedicated thread.
It requires NS OS to create a dedicated thread to perform NS mailbox functionalities. This dedicated thread invokes
to handle PSA Client calls.tfm_ns_mailbox_thread_runner()
constructs mailbox messages and sends them to SPE mailbox.
sends PSA Client calls to the dedicated mailbox thread. It doesn’t directly deal with mailbox messages.It also relies on NS OS to provide thread management and inter-thread communication. Please refer to NSPE mailbox RTOS abstraction APIs for details.
It also requires dual-cpu platform to implement NS Inter-Processor Communication interrupts. The interrupt handler invokes
to deal with PSA Client call replies and notify the waiting threads.
Multiple outstanding PSA Client call feature
Multiple outstanding PSA Client call feature can enable dual-cpu platform to issue multiple PSA Client calls in NS OS and those PSA Client calls can be served simultaneously.
Without this feature, only a single PSA Client call can be issued and served. A new PSA Client call cannot be started until the previous one is completed.
When multiple outstanding PSA Client call feature is enabled, while a NS application is waiting for its PSA Client result, another NS application can be switched in by NS OS to prepare another PSA Client call or deal with its PSA client result. It can decrease the CPU idle time of waiting for PSA Client call completion.
If multiple NS applications request secure services in NS OS, it is recommended to enable this feature.
To implement this feature in NS OS:
Platform should set the number of mailbox queue slots in
in platform’sconfig.cmake
. It will use more data area with multiple mailbox queue slots.NSPE and SPE share the same
For more details, refer to TFM_MULTI_CORE_NS_OS.
can be enabled to select another NS mailbox working model. See TFM_MULTI_CORE_NS_OS_MAILBOX_THREAD for details.
Critical section protection between cores
Proper protection should be implemented to protect the critical accesses to shared mailbox resources. The critical sections can include atomic reading and modifying NSPE mailbox queue status, slot status and other critical operations.
The implementation should protect a critical access to those shared mailbox resource from corruptions caused by accesses from the peer core. SPE mailbox also accesses NSPE mailbox queue. Therefore, it is essential to implement synchronization or protection on NSPE mailbox queue between Secure core and Non-secure core. NSPE mailbox and SPE mailbox define corresponding critical section protection APIs respectively. The implementation of those APIs can be platform specific. Please see more details in NSPE mailbox APIs and SPE mailbox APIs.
It is recommended to rely on both hardware and software to implement the synchronization and protection.
Protection of local mailbox objects can be implemented as static functions inside NSPE mailbox and SPE mailbox.
Mailbox handling in TF-M
According to communication prototype design 1, mailbox implementation should
invoke tfm_rpc_register_ops()
to hook its operations to TF-M RPC module
callbacks during initialization. Mailbox message handling should call TF-M RPC
PSA Client call handlers to deliver PSA Client request to TF-M SPM.
If multiple outstanding NS PSA Client calls should be supported, TF-M SPM can store the mailbox message handle in a specific field in PSA message structure to identify the mailbox message, while creating a PSA message. While replying the PSA Client result, TF-M SPM can extract the mailbox message handle from PSA message and pass it back to mailbox reply function. SPE mailbox can identify which mailbox message is completed according to the handle and write the result to corresponding NSPE mailbox queue slot.
Platform specific Inter-Processor Communication interrupt handler in SPE should
call spm_handle_interrupt()
to notify SPM of the interrupt. SPM will then
signal to the ns_agent_mailbox
partition, which
will call tfm_rpc_client_call_handler()
Mailbox initialization
It should be guaranteed that NSPE mailbox should not initiate PSA Client request until SPE mailbox initialization completes. Refer to dual-core booting sequence 2 for more details on the synchronization between NSPE and SPE during booting.
In current design, the base address of NSPE mailbox queue should be pre-defined and shared between NSPE mailbox and SPE mailbox.
SPE mailbox initialization
The SPE mailbox queue memory should be allocated before calling
. tfm_mailbox_init()
initializes the memory and
calls tfm_mailbox_hal_init()
to perform platform
specific initialization. The base address of NSPE mailbox queue can be
received via tfm_mailbox_hal_init()
SPE mailbox dedicated Inter-Processor Communication initialization can also be enabled during SPE mailbox initialization.
After SPE mailbox initialization completes, SPE notifies NSPE that SPE mailbox functionalities are ready.
NSPE mailbox initialization
The NSPE mailbox queue memory should be allocated before calling
. tfm_ns_mailbox_init()
initializes the memory and
calls tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_init()
to perform
platform specific initialization. The base address of NSPE mailbox queue can be
passed to SPE mailbox via tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_init()
NSPE mailbox dedicated Inter-Processor Communication initialization can also be enabled during NSPE mailbox initialization.
Mailbox APIs and data structures
Data types
is a generic return value to indicate success of mailbox
is a return value from mailbox function if mailbox queue
is full.
is a return value from mailbox function if any
parameter is invalid.
is a return value from mailbox function if the caller
doesn’t own a proper permission to execute the operation.
#define MAILBOX_NO_PERMS (INT32_MIN + 3)
is a return value from mailbox function if the
expected event doesn’t occur yet.
is a return value from mailbox function if the underlying
Inter-Processor Communication resource is busy.
is a return value from mailbox function if the
registration of mailbox callback functions failed.
is a return value from mailbox function if the mailbox
initialization failed.
indicates mailbox generic errors which cannot be
indicated by the codes above.
PSA Client API types
The following constants define the PSA Client API type values shared between NSPE and SPE
#define MAILBOX_PSA_CALL (0x4)
#define MAILBOX_PSA_CLOSE (0x5)
Mailbox message structure
lists the parameters passed from NSPE to SPE required by
a PSA Client call.
struct psa_client_params_t {
union {
struct {
uint32_t sid;
} psa_version_params;
struct {
uint32_t sid;
uint32_t minor_version;
} psa_connect_params;
struct {
psa_handle_t handle;
int32_t type;
const psa_invec *in_vec;
size_t in_len;
psa_outvec *out_vec;
size_t out_len;
} psa_call_params;
struct {
psa_handle_t handle;
} psa_close_params;
The following structure describe a mailbox message and its members.
indicates the PSA Client API type.params
stores the PSA Client call parameters.client_id
records the client ID of the non-secure client. Optional. It is used to identify the non-secure tasks in TF-M when NSPE OS enforces non-secure task isolation.
struct mailbox_msg_t {
uint32_t call_type;
struct psa_client_params_t params;
int32_t client_id;
Mailbox reply structure
This structure describes a mailbox reply structure, which is managed by NSPE mailbox in non-secure memory.
struct mailbox_reply_t {
int32_t return_val;
const void *owner;
int32_t *reply;
uint8_t *woken_flag;
Mailbox queue status bitmask
defines a bitmask to indicate a status of slots in
mailbox queues.
typedef uint32_t mailbox_queue_status_t;
NSPE mailbox queue structure
defines a non-secure mailbox queue slot.
/* A single slot structure in NSPE mailbox queue */
struct ns_mailbox_slot_t {
struct mailbox_msg_t msg;
struct mailbox_reply_t reply;
describes the NSPE mailbox queue and its members in
non-secure memory.
is the bitmask of empty slots.pend_slots
is the bitmask of slots whose PSA Client call is not replied yet.replied_slots
is the bitmask of slots whose PSA Client result is returned but not extracted yet.queue
is the NSPE mailbox queue of slots.is_full
indicates whether NS mailbox queue is full.
struct ns_mailbox_queue_t {
mailbox_queue_status_t empty_slots;
mailbox_queue_status_t pend_slots;
mailbox_queue_status_t replied_slots;
struct ns_mailbox_slot_t queue[NUM_MAILBOX_QUEUE_SLOT];
bool is_full;
SPE mailbox queue structure
defines a single slot structure in SPE mailbox queue.
records the index of NSPE mailbox slot containing the mailbox message under processing. SPE mailbox determines the reply structure address according to this index.msg_handle
contains the handle to the mailbox message under processing. The handle can be delivered to TF-M SPM while creating PSA message to identify the mailbox message.
/* A handle to a mailbox message in use */
typedef int32_t mailbox_msg_handle_t;
struct secure_mailbox_slot_t {
uint8_t ns_slot_idx;
mailbox_msg_handle_t msg_handle;
describes the SPE mailbox queue in secure memory.
is the bitmask of empty slots.queue
is the SPE mailbox queue of slots.ns_queue
stores the address of NSPE mailbox queue structure.
struct secure_mailbox_queue_t {
mailbox_queue_status_t empty_slots;
struct secure_mailbox_slot_t queue[NUM_MAILBOX_QUEUE_SLOT];
/* Base address of NSPE mailbox queue in non-secure memory */
struct ns_mailbox_queue_t *ns_queue;
NSPE mailbox APIs
NSPE mailbox interface APIs
APIs defined in this section are called by NS software and PSA Client APIs implementations.
This function initializes NSPE mailbox.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_init(struct ns_mailbox_queue_t *queue);
The base address of NSPE mailbox queue. |
Initialization succeeds. |
Other return codes |
Initialization fails with an error code. |
invokes tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_init()
to complete
platform specific mailbox and Inter-Processor Communication initialization.
The non-secure memory area for NSPE mailbox queue structure should be statically
or dynamically pre-allocated before calling tfm_ns_mailbox_init()
This function sends the PSA Client request to SPE, waits and fetches PSA Client result.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_client_call(uint32_t call_type,
const struct psa_client_params_t *params,
int32_t client_id,
int32_t *reply);
Type of PSA Client call |
Address of PSA Client call parameters structure. |
ID of non-secure task. |
The NS client task private buffer written with PSA Client result |
PSA Client call is completed successfully. |
Other return code |
Operation failed with an error code. |
is enabled,
will forward PSA Client calls to the dedicated
mailbox thread via NS OS message queue.
Otherwise, tfm_ns_mailbox_client_call()
directly deals with PSA Client calls
and perform NS mailbox functionalities.
This function handles PSA Client call inside a dedicated NS mailbox thread. It constructs mailbox messages and transmits them to SPE mailbox.
void tfm_ns_mailbox_thread_runner(void *args);
The pointer to the structure of PSA Client call parameters. |
should be executed inside the dedicated
mailbox thread.
is implemented as an empty function when
is disabled.
This function wakes up the owner task(s) of the returned PSA Client result(s).
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_wake_reply_owner_isr(void);
The tasks of replied mailbox messages were found and wake-up signals were sent. |
No replied mailbox message is found. |
Other return codes |
Operation failed with an error code |
should be called from platform
specific Inter-Processor Communication interrupt handler.
is implemented as a dummy function
is disabled.
NSPE mailbox HAL APIs
The HAL APIs defined in this section should be implemented by platform-specific implementation.
This section describes a reference design of NSPE mailbox HAL APIs. Developers can define and implement different APIs.
This function executes platform-specific NSPE mailbox initialization.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_init(struct ns_mailbox_queue_t *queue);
The base address of NSPE mailbox queue. |
Initialization succeeds. |
Other return codes |
Initialization fails with an error code. |
performs platform specific mailbox and
Inter-Processor Communication initialization. tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_init()
also share the address of NSPE mailbox queue with SPE mailbox via platform
specific implementation.
This function invokes platform specific Inter-Processor Communication drivers to send notification to SPE.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_notify_peer(void);
The operation completes successfully. |
Other return codes |
Operation fails with an error code. |
should be implemented by platform specific
Inter-Processor Communication drivers.
should not be exported outside NSPE
This function enters the critical section of NSPE mailbox queue access.
void tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_enter_critical(void);
NSPE mailbox invokes tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_enter_critical()
before entering
critical section of NSPE mailbox queue.
implementation is platform specific.
should not be called in any interrupt
service routine. Use only to lock data that are shared with secure side.
This function exits the critical section of NSPE mailbox queue access.
void tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_exit_critical(void);
NSPE mailbox invokes tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_exit_critical()
after exiting
critical section of NSPE mailbox queue.
implementation is platform specific.
should not be called in any interrupt
service routine.
This function enters the critical section of NSPE mailbox queue access in an IRQ handler.
void tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_enter_critical(void);
NSPE mailbox invokes tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_enter_critical_isr()
before entering
critical section of NSPE mailbox queue in an IRQ handler.
implementation is platform specific.
Use only to lock data that are shared with secure side.
This function exits the critical section of NSPE mailbox queue access in an IRQ handler
void tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_exit_critical_isr(void);
NSPE mailbox invokes tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_exit_critical_isr()
after exiting
critical section of NSPE mailbox queue in an IRQ handler.
implementation is platform specific.
NSPE mailbox RTOS abstraction APIs
The APIs defined in this section should be implemented by RTOS-specific
implementation when TFM_MULTI_CORE_NS_OS
is enabled.
is set to OFF
, the following APIs are defined
as dummy functions or empty functions.
This function initializes the multi-core lock for synchronizing PSA client call(s). The actual implementation depends on the non-secure use scenario.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_os_lock_init(void);
Initialization succeeded. |
Initialization failed. |
invokes this function to initialize the lock.
is enabled,
is defined as a dummy one.
This function acquires the multi-core lock for synchronizing PSA client call(s). The actual implementation depends on the non-secure use scenario.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_os_lock_acquire(void);
Succeeded to acquire the lock. |
Failed to acquire the lock. |
invokes this function to acquire the lock when
is disabled
is enabled,
is defined as a dummy one.
This function releases the multi-core lock for synchronizing PSA client call(s). The actual implementation depends on the non-secure use scenario.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_os_lock_release(void);
Succeeded to release the lock. |
Failed to release the lock. |
invokes this function to release the lock when
is disabled
is enabled,
is defined as a dummy one.
This function gets the handle of the current non-secure task executing mailbox functionalities.
void *tfm_ns_mailbox_os_get_task_handle(void);
Task handle |
The non-secure task handle waiting for PSA Client result. |
This function performs use scenario and NS OS specific waiting mechanism to wait for the reply of the specified mailbox message to be returned from SPE.
void tfm_ns_mailbox_os_wait_reply(void);
The PSA Client API implementations call tfm_ns_mailbox_os_wait_reply()
fall into sleep to wait for PSA Client result.
This function wakes up the dedicated task which is waiting for PSA Client result, via RTOS-specific wake-up mechanism.
void tfm_ns_mailbox_hal_wait_reply(const void *task_handle);
The handle to the task to be woken up. |
This function creates and initializes a NS OS message queue.
void *tfm_ns_mailbox_os_mq_create(ize_t msg_size, uint8_t msg_count);
The maximum message size in bytes. |
The maximum number of messages in queue. |
message queue handle |
The handle of the message queue created, or NULL in case of error. |
is disabled,
is defined as a dummy one.
This function sends PSA Client call request via NS OS message queue.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_os_mq_send(void *mq_handle,
const void *msg_ptr);
The handle of message queue. |
The pointer to the message to be sent. |
The message is successfully sent. |
Other return code |
Operation fails with an error code. |
is disabled,
is defined as a dummy one.
This function receives PSA Client call requests via NS OS message queue.
int32_t tfm_ns_mailbox_os_mq_receive(void *mq_handle,
void *msg_ptr);
The handle of message queue. |
The pointer to buffer for message to be received. |
A message is successfully received. |
Other return code |
Operation fails with an error code. |
The buffer size must be large enough to contain the request whose size is set
in msg_size `` in ``tfm_ns_mailbox_os_mq_create()
is disabled,
is defined as a dummy one.
The function caller should be blocked until a PSA Client call request is received from message queue, unless a fatal error occurs.
SPE mailbox APIs
SPE mailbox interface APIs
The APIs defined in this section are called in TF-M routines and platform specific secure interrupt handler.
This function completes the handling of mailbox messages from NSPE.
int32_t tfm_mailbox_handle_msg(void);
The operation completes successfully. |
Other return codes |
Operation fails with an error code. |
is registered to RPC callback function
executes the following tasks:
Check NSPE mailbox queue status.
Copy mailbox message(s) from NSPE. Optional.
Checks and validations if necessary
Parse mailbox message
Call TF-M RPC APIs to pass PSA Client request to TF-M SPM.
This function replies the PSA Client result to NSPE.
int32_t tfm_mailbox_reply_msg(mailbox_msg_handle_t handle, int32_t reply);
The handle to mailbox message related to the PSA Client result. |
The PSA Client result value to be replied. |
The operation completes successfully. |
Other return codes |
Operation fails with an error code. |
is registered to RPC callback reply
It is invoked inside handler of psa_reply()
to return the PSA Client result
to NSPE.
determines which mailbox message in SPE mailbox queue contains the
PSA Client call. If handle
, the return
result is replied to the mailbox message in the first SPE mailbox queue slot.
This function initializes SPE mailbox.
int32_t tfm_mailbox_init(void);
Initialization succeeds. |
Other return codes |
Initialization failed with an error code. |
invokes tfm_mailbox_hal_init()
to execute platform
specific initialization.
SPE mailbox HAL APIs
This function invokes platform specific Inter-Processor Communication drivers to send notification to NSPE.
int32_t tfm_mailbox_hal_notify_peer(void);
The operation completes successfully. |
Other return codes |
Operation fails with an error code. |
should be implemented by platform specific
Inter-Processor Communication drivers.
should not be exported outside SPE mailbox.
This function is implemented by platform support in TF-M. It completes platform specific mailbox initialization, including receiving the the address of NSPE mailbox queue and Inter-Processor Communication initialization.
int32_t tfm_mailbox_hal_init(struct secure_mailbox_queue_t *s_queue);
The base address of SPE mailbox queue. |
Initialization succeeds. |
Other return codes |
Initialization failed with an error code. |
This function enters the critical section of NSPE mailbox queue access in SPE.
void tfm_mailbox_hal_enter_critical(void);
SPE mailbox invokes tfm_mailbox_hal_enter_critical()
before entering
critical section of NSPE mailbox queue.
implementation is platform specific.
can be called in an interrupt service
This function exits from the critical section of NSPE mailbox queue access in SPE.
void tfm_mailbox_hal_exit_critical(void);
SPE mailbox invokes tfm_mailbox_hal_exit_critical()
when exiting from
critical section of NSPE mailbox queue.
implementation is platform specific.
can be called in an interrupt service