
This tool uses the checkpatch tool, with a prexisting configuration, created for the TF-M OpenCI, to perform static checking on the developer’s machine.

The script is set by default, to mimic the configuratio of TF-M OpenCI script, but the user can extend it by adding new parameters in the checkpatch.conf file.

The script is kept simple by design, since it is aimed at be easy to maintain from a single’s user perspective


Setting up this tool, is a simple operation of retrieving the script and its dependencies and placing them in the tf-m-toolsstatic_checkscheckpatch directory:


  • const_structs.checkpatch

  • spelling.txt

The proccess can be automated, without any special priviledges by invoking the tf-m-tools\static_checks\checkpatch\ script.

Using the script

The user can call the tf-m-tools\static_checks\checkpatch\ script from the {$TFM-ROOT} directory

# Only need to be run once

Or as a part of all the tests set in the Static Checking Framework


Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause