Static Checking Framework

This tool has been made to provide a framework to check the truster-firmware-m (TF-M) code base.


This tool should be used from the root of the TF-M repository. launching will launch the different checkers used :

Both checkpatch and clang-format are use to check the coding style, but they both cover different cases so together they provide a better coverage.

Each tool will be configured using a script located under the tool directory before being launched. The main script might need to be launched with root priviledges in order to correctly install the tools on the first time it is being used.

The tool will return exit code of 0 if everything is compliant, and no new warnings are generated, and 1 in all other occasions.

Output reports if produced by each corresponding script, will be stored at {TFM-Root}/checks_reports`

Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause